After reading the story “The Name of the Tree,” grade one students retell and illustrate their favourite parts of the story using markers and watercolours.
Our Blog: Jason Ramsay-Brown
Space, trashketball & the Sunnybrook Grade 6 Gazette
Grade 6 students concluded their Space Unit with captivating presentations. You can explore Sophie’s presentation (above), with speaking notes, on Google Docs. In language class, they energized with Trashketball to prepare for newspaper report writing. Stay tuned for their impressive publications under Sunnybrook Grade 6 Gazette.
Grade 2 workshop with Scientist in the School
The Grade 2’s had a wonderful workshop with Scientist in the School to start their structures unit. They were tasked with creating different structures to help an animal cross a body of water, hide from prey and see far off in the distance. They constructed bridges, towers and ‘whatchamacallit’s’.
GR 2 pairing fiction & non-fiction
In Library class this week, the GR 2s started some exploration of the differences between fiction and non-fiction books. We found matching “pairs” of books, and looked at how fiction writing allows us to learn through imagination, while non-fiction writing encourages us to learn through information. We also discovered how differently we can read these two types of writing. Powerful […]