JK wrapping up a few units

Wrapping up a few units …

The JKs have developed tremendously in their French acquisition skills. This listening comprehension activity was a fun and meaningful way to show their growth over the term. Madame Chandra described her monster using body parts, colors, and numbers and the students drew what they heard. Bravo les élèves!

Que portes-tu?? The SKs have just completed their clothing unit. They learned all about the clothes we wear at school, at home, and in different seasons. To end the unit, the students drew their favourite outfit and we had a fashion show around the classroom with Ms. Brunn as a special visitor!

Choo choo! The grade 1 class have been “motoring” through their transportation unit. We have had a blast exploring modes of transportation and where they can take us. The students are pictured here making a train in a classroom charades activity.